Year 1 Information

Welcome to Year 1 with Mrs Fearnett, Mrs Smith and Ms Wootton.

Mrs Fearnett will be teaching the class on Monday and Tuesday, and Mrs Smith will be teaching the class on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Ms Wootton is the Key Stage One teaching assistant and will be working in the class across the week. 
Please find the Year 1 Meet The Teacher information video here.
We will be learning about the weather near and far, our local area, toys in the past and lots of other exciting topics! Please see the Year 1 long term plan below for more information. 
Things to remember
Water bottles should be brought to school daily. We have drinking water in the classroom so water bottles can be refilled when needed. Children can bring snacks to school but they should consist of either fruit or cheese. Fruit is available at breaktime for all children in Key Stage One. 
Our PE days will be every Monday and Friday. The children will need to bring into school at the start of each half term their full PE kit: black joggers, black jacket, white t-shirt, black shorts and trainers. These will be sent home at the end of each half term to be washed. Please label your child's kit clearly with their name. Pupils with long hair will need a hairband to tie it back and earrings must be able to be removed by the pupil or please take these out before you send your child to school. 
Bumped Head Notes
If pupils are given a bumped head note during the school day the note will be passed onto the office and a call will be made to parents if we have any immediate concerns. Pupils will also still be sent home with their bumped head note.
Each child has a reading pack containing a reading book and a reading record. Your child has been allocated a book change day and this information is on their reading record. We would also like them to read at home at least three times a week, whether this is their allocated reading book, a library book or a book from home.  
Home Learning
For home learning this year, we would like children to build their fluency by accessing Numbots at least once a week. Spelling booklets are sent home half-termly. They are linked to the phonics the children have been learning that week and include some common exception words. A list of the common exception words for Year 1 can be found below.